Hello Everyone,

The problem set of the 2019 Jordanian Collegiate Programming Contest will be available on thabit.io platform on Saturday, May 29, 2021 at 17:00. You can participate individually, or in a team of 2 or 3 members.

You will be given 5 hours to solve 13 problems. The problems are given in arbitrary order, so make sure you read all problems.

The contest will be unrated as it's intended to test the platform before the official rounds, so please let us know of any problems in a comment or a separate post.

The problems were prepared by Husam Musleh, Hasan Alhimish, Reem Obaid, Nada Al-Shamayleh, Jood Hajeer, SaMer Raed, and Kamil Debowski.

Please note that thabit servers at this stage are slower than other platforms, so a time limit of 10 seconds doesn't justify writing a solution with 109 operations. We have set up new servers, so the time limits should be consistent with other platforms.

Good luck, and have fun!

Thank you for the contest ... is there any editorial ?